Archives for the month of: March, 2013

      Time for another update! At 9 weeks 6 days I had my last appointment with my RE before being released. Oh how I wish he did prenatal appointments and deliverys but of course he can’t. Wouldn’t have the time. I just love him so much. I hope he is still practicing when/if I do this again.
        Our ultrasound was amazing. The baby was facing towards us and asleep. I was really hoping to see it move. (Even drank a few sips of coffee before I went in.) Then suddenly it woke up and moved it’s little head! Our little baby! Kicking it feet, waving its arms and everything. I got a video of it for DH because he couldn’t come to that appointment. The RE was laughing watching the baby squirm around. It measured 2 days ahead. Heartbeat at 171.
        So yesterday I had an appointment with an OB. Nope. Nope. A hundred times NO. I didn’t like the office at all. It was loud with pop music playing. Not soothing at all. I thought I should quit being so judgemental until I met the Dr. Well, turns out you have to see every OB at some point. (There’s 5 of them.) Whoever is on call does the delivery. They are high pressure and talk about policy a lot it seems. The Dr was nice but I can’t even pick who I want to see! Weird. No thanks. Moving on. I have an appointment with another OB next week. I hope I love her and can trust her. I really want an OB I can trust.
        The UTI will NOT go away!! Its driving me crazy! The weird part is today is my birthday and last year on my birthday I had a UTI too… But last year on my birthday I wasn’t pregnant. Hearing the baby’s heartbeat this morning was the best birthday present ever!! I plan on spending the day drinking as much water as possible and hoping and praying this UTI will finally go away. Also the yeast infection I found out I have yesterday. Yucky! Yucky!
       Easter is fast approaching. The day of my risen Saviour. Carrying this little baby that I love so much makes me think of the sacrifice God made sending His only Son to die for a wicked world. He knew Jesus would live again but watching His agony on the cross, God had to turn away. I can’t even imagine the pain in the heart of my heavenly Father as He saw His Son WILLINGLY take up that cross. Jesus said “no one can take My life unless I lay it down.” It was a choice He chose to make because He loved us so much. He paid the price of death once for all so that all who believe in Him will have the gift of eternal life. When we die as Christians, we know where we will go. We know the debt we owed for OUR sins has been paid by the sin-less Son of God. We will spend eternity thanking and praising God for the gift He gave. We might as well start now. Thank you Lord God Almighty. I love You because You first loved me.

      Wow! The last few days have been yucky. It all started with some spotting. That was scary enough! Then I freaked out because I was almost sure the Dr had told me I was 0- blood type. So I would need rhogam right? Well, yes I would except that I remembered wrong… I’m actually 0+. The Dr’s office called me yesterday on the weekend to let me know I did not need the shot. There are all kinds of speculations as to the origination of the spotting…. I no sooner got done having that drama than I came down with a UTI and had to go to the Urgent Care because my back hurt and I was passing blood. As always. Really, what’s new? I’ve done this whole UTI/kidney infection thing literally more times than I can remember. I’m forever passing blood. (I know you all wanted to hear about that!) 😉 So I’m on an antibiotic (keflex) and hopefully I’ll be rid of this infection soon.
     My morning sickness has kicked up a notch and its been hard to drink, eat, move… I promise I’m not complaining. I longed to be pregnant for years and I will gladly take all the nausea it happens to give me. The symptoms are actually not too bad in my case since I’m not working and its ok if I wake up and lay on the couch till my nausea lets up enough to eat breakfast. (Usually by 1pm).
        Ive been thinking I should add my 2 cents on PIO since I’ve been on it for almost 8 weeks. I love it. Yes, I know that sounds odd but I did crinone with my first IVF and can you say discusting? I also took prometium many years ago and it made me very dizzy. If you have to take progesterone, PIO is the way to go. Your butt will hurt on PIO a little but who needs a butt anyways? I’m no doc but these are my butt-saving tips.
·Do yourself a favor and DON’T ice before. I never have iced because my goal is to melt the PIO into the muscle not leave a frozen lump in there. The shot is suprising not that bad for such a daunting needle. I loved the 25gauge 1 1/2″ needles I was using but I haven’t been able to get them except for the first 2 weeks. I now use 23gauge and they’re pretty good.
·I use a microwave gel pack afterwards sometimes to warm the oil in my Southern Cheeks. I don’t always but it does help.
·Massaging afterwards is good. Wait a few minutes though or it will make it bleed worse.
·If you can have someone else do it, that’s nice.
·Insert needle very fast. You almost don’t feel it. That or my butt is numb.
·Inject s l o w l y. Ever so slowly.
This is what works for me. Your tushy may be different. 😉
      As for Lovenox? You tell me. I have the worst time with that shot. I guess you grit your teeth and try to remember to breath. And never show anyone your tummy. You will hear gasps.
      I still love my doppler. At first I could usually find the baby in 30 seconds. Now it swims away and its hard to find. I think it doesn’t like the doppler. Sorry baby! Mommy loves to hear you!
       God, thank you for my baby and please make my body a safe place for this baby now and through the months ahead. Please help me carry this baby to full term and healthy! In Jesus name, amen.

I got my Sonoline B 3MHz Doppler in the mail yesterday (8w5d). Of course I tried it out right away and after a few minutes I picked up that adorable familiar sound! Our baby’s heartbeat!!! Somewhere in the 160s. When DH came home I tried to find it for him. It took me 2 trys but I finally got it. Seeing the smile on his face every time he hears the baby is priceless. That is something I wasn’t sure I would ever get to see and, quite frankly, I couldn’t really imagine it actually happening. We have a long way to go still… a long, long way but I’m very thankful for every day closer we get.

    I had my 2nd pregnancy ultrasound yesterday at 8w0d. Our precious baby was measuring 8w1d and had a heartrate of 166bpm. It was so cute! It looked so much more like a baby now. So after all our measuring and listening, the RE said “I saw another sac over here.” I had noticed it too this time and at my last u/s. I didn’t know for sure if it really was a sac and the RE had double checked and not seen it. He kept saying “How did we miss this?” There was a baby inside but it was small. Maybe 6 weeks and sadly it had no heartbeat. It was sad to see it on there. Then the RE said “How many did we put in there?” I reminded him that we had transferred 3 and he said “well here’s another sack!” Unfortunately, this one appeared to be empty. So we had 2 vanishing triplets. This of course adds a little to my pregnancy worries, but it was thrilling to see our beautiful baby looking so big and happy. We could see the bloodflow to the placenta and the cord. The cord looked huge to me! I could see the heart pumping too.
       So for the last couple days my morning sickness has been pretty non-stop but its more of an all day queasy feeling versus the inability to function for several hours a day that I had for a few days last week. I am enjoying my popsicles again when when water won’t go down. Our next appt is in about 2 weeks Lord willing to monitor the other sacs and give our baby a checkup. I ordered a doppler today off ebay for $56.35. Its the Sonoline B. All the reviews I’ve read have been good. I haven’t found anyone yet online who didn’t like it no matter what sites I looked up. So I’m very excited about that! It should be here in about a week and I’m hoping that at 9 weeks we will be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat at home. 🙂
      Thank you God, for the opportunity to hear and see my precious baby yesterday. Please continue to bless us and I pray that I will have a safe, healthy pregnancy with this beautiful little life inside me. In Jesus name, amen.

    I have been severely neglecting this blog because I don’t have a whole lot to post about right now. Last week was pretty good. I spent most of it laying on the couch being quite nauseated with morning sickness. Then Friday came and I felt much better. I also felt a lot better on Saturday. After feeling so sick all week, getting so much better so quickly made me nervous. Sunday came and I was feeling pretty sick again. Now here it is Monday and I’m back to being just a little bit blah. Oh the constant confusion! The good thing about being sick last week was that it took away from my time to worry! I worried soooo much less. But yay because 2 sleeps until my next ultrasound! Hopefully my little baby will be looking adorable and growing perfectly fine with a wonderful heart rate! Please God!!!
       My ovaries must be deflating because my tummy is definitely going down. I can almost fit back into my regular clothes for the first time since finding out I am pregnant.
       If everything looks good at my ultrasound I’m planning on buying a Doppler so I can listen at home. I probably won’t try using it though until closer to 9 or 10 weeks.
      See, I told you I have nothing interesting to report…. As far as symptoms go, as I said I have very come and go nausea. Mostly go so far. My tummy is flatter, I still have some cramping, and I can now feel the top of my uterus but probably only because it is extremely forward tilted. I worry but mostly on the days I don’t feel pregnant. I enjoyed last week because it was so easy to believe the baby is alive and well. Plus I got to eat a lot of popsicles because it was almost the only thing I could get down.
       DH has been working on the nursery getting the walls patched and ready to paint. He is immensely excited about the baby and seems to be having a lot of fun preparing. Honestly, I’m still too nervous to get as excited as he is. 😦 Screw infertility for stealing my chance of enjoying pregnancy! I am working on it though. And frequent ultrasound appointments do help tremendously. Thank you God for this baby I’m carrying. Please help it continue growing and being strong and healthy. We love it so very much. Please protect us according to Your will. In Jesus name, amen.

      I had my ultrasound today 4 days early due to pain and cramping. I’m pretty sure the doctor thought I was making that up at first just so I could get in early. (Like who wouldn’t want to see an early ultrasound of their baby?? ;)) But anyways… I am 6 weeks 2 days today and the ultrasound went fantastic. As soon as they put the ultrasound wand in I immediately saw a sack. Surprisingly, by my beta numbers, just one! And 1 beautiful little baby inside of it. I saw the heartbeat before the doctor even pointed it out flickering like crazy at 116bpm. And then he turned on the Doppler and there was the most beautiful sound in the world! I could have cried. I am so thankful. Dh was thrilled. He is so in love. We both are with our gorgeous little baby. The baby was measuring right on track at exactly 6 weeks 2 days. Almost a quarter of an inch long. Everybody was surprised that there was only 1, even the doctor was a little suprised I think. My betas were way more in the triplet range. But it just goes to show that you really can’t judge anything by a beta. I kind of had a gut instinct that there was only 1 because my morning sickness has been so piddly.
        About the pain… The doctor moved the wand over to take a look at my ovaries. The left looked somewhere around a lemon size, but the right looked like a giant grapefruit!! It looks even bigger than when I was stimulating. So the doctor determined that all the cramping and pain is more than likely due to those giant ovaries. Shewwww!! I was really scared,  let me tell you! So we’re not due back for our next ultrasound for 2 weeks. March 15. In the meantime I need to be scheduling an appointment with an OB. I didn’t have anyone picked out yet because I didn’t know if we would be needing high risk or regular so my doctor gave me some names.
        It still feels really surreal to me to actually be pregnant. It’s so weird to think that there is really a little person inside there even after seeing it on the ultrasound. Journey or Tru? Which one are you little baby of mine?
       Thank you God, for making my appointment go so well and for letting me see and hear my precious baby’s heartbeat. Thank you for this gift that is inside of me. Please continue to bless it and protect it according to your will. In Jesus’ holy and precious name, Amen.

The Refillable Glass

Remember the glass is neither half empty nor half full. It is refillable.

Hopelessly Infertile and Surrounded by Fertiles

Just me against the world (not the people in the world. Just the world.)

A Continual Feast

"...for the happy heart, life is a continual feast." -Proverbs 15:15

Heartening Forward

Handcrafted Cards

The Stephens Life

"The best kind of parent you can be is one who leads by example" - Drew Barrymore

What's for Dinner Moms?

Creativity for my life.

My PhD Life

My experience and events throughout my PhD

Two Little Monkeys

Fostering, adopting and life with 2 toddlers!

My Thoughts Exactly

Sunshine is so Gangster!

The Honest Mom

It's Not a Regular Mom Blog, It's a Honest Mom Blog

Kaden, My Superhero

Our complicated journey in and out of the NICU

Life. Love. Loss.

Writing and remembering


Experiencing Motherhood

Life Without Limitations

Life with a Special Care Baby


Just The Chronicles of a Thirtysomething

The Journey from Victim to Survivor

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Messy Stressy Mama

Learning As I Go

Ashlie in the Air

30-something frequent flyer thinking her thoughts out loud

Single Mom Daily

Dealing with heartbreak and morning sickness


The begining , the middle , birth and beyond 🌱

The Chastened One

Finding God's promises in every season of life


Literally a first time mom, sharing all that happens during my pregnancy. My posts are real and true examples of a mom on her first journey with her first baby!

My PCOS Journey

PCOS, you're not alone, neither am I.


My Unexpected Experience with Pregnancy

Wrinkle Wrinkle Little Star

Growing old gratefully as an older mother


My Quiet Place

Our Simple Family Living

Faith. Family. Simple.

About Alistair

My journey through motherhood and beyond


everybody needs a little tuff love


New mama to be and updates on my life and adventures.

Thoughtful Momma

Take a peek into the mind of a mom of many.

Dreaming Of Diapers

A Tell All Infertility Blog 2024 & IVF Blog 2024

Still No Baby

A brief insight into the lows of trying to conceive after a long time

Healthy & Brown

Where strength and healing meet

Downtown Abi

food + cats + art + life

Little Wolf Tribe

"A moment in my tummy; a lifetime in my heart."

mama etcetera

adulting adventures of a mama of 2

The adventures of being a mummy to two incredible girls.

Lydia in Lyon

Life in France, bilingual parenting, clubfoot, Gospel thoughts, and everything in between

The Not So Fertile Goddess

and here we go again...


The road to becoming a family!

Girl Friday Makes Good

Working for The Best