Archives for posts with tag: doppler

      Wow! The last few days have been yucky. It all started with some spotting. That was scary enough! Then I freaked out because I was almost sure the Dr had told me I was 0- blood type. So I would need rhogam right? Well, yes I would except that I remembered wrong… I’m actually 0+. The Dr’s office called me yesterday on the weekend to let me know I did not need the shot. There are all kinds of speculations as to the origination of the spotting…. I no sooner got done having that drama than I came down with a UTI and had to go to the Urgent Care because my back hurt and I was passing blood. As always. Really, what’s new? I’ve done this whole UTI/kidney infection thing literally more times than I can remember. I’m forever passing blood. (I know you all wanted to hear about that!) 😉 So I’m on an antibiotic (keflex) and hopefully I’ll be rid of this infection soon.
     My morning sickness has kicked up a notch and its been hard to drink, eat, move… I promise I’m not complaining. I longed to be pregnant for years and I will gladly take all the nausea it happens to give me. The symptoms are actually not too bad in my case since I’m not working and its ok if I wake up and lay on the couch till my nausea lets up enough to eat breakfast. (Usually by 1pm).
        Ive been thinking I should add my 2 cents on PIO since I’ve been on it for almost 8 weeks. I love it. Yes, I know that sounds odd but I did crinone with my first IVF and can you say discusting? I also took prometium many years ago and it made me very dizzy. If you have to take progesterone, PIO is the way to go. Your butt will hurt on PIO a little but who needs a butt anyways? I’m no doc but these are my butt-saving tips.
·Do yourself a favor and DON’T ice before. I never have iced because my goal is to melt the PIO into the muscle not leave a frozen lump in there. The shot is suprising not that bad for such a daunting needle. I loved the 25gauge 1 1/2″ needles I was using but I haven’t been able to get them except for the first 2 weeks. I now use 23gauge and they’re pretty good.
·I use a microwave gel pack afterwards sometimes to warm the oil in my Southern Cheeks. I don’t always but it does help.
·Massaging afterwards is good. Wait a few minutes though or it will make it bleed worse.
·If you can have someone else do it, that’s nice.
·Insert needle very fast. You almost don’t feel it. That or my butt is numb.
·Inject s l o w l y. Ever so slowly.
This is what works for me. Your tushy may be different. 😉
      As for Lovenox? You tell me. I have the worst time with that shot. I guess you grit your teeth and try to remember to breath. And never show anyone your tummy. You will hear gasps.
      I still love my doppler. At first I could usually find the baby in 30 seconds. Now it swims away and its hard to find. I think it doesn’t like the doppler. Sorry baby! Mommy loves to hear you!
       God, thank you for my baby and please make my body a safe place for this baby now and through the months ahead. Please help me carry this baby to full term and healthy! In Jesus name, amen.

I got my Sonoline B 3MHz Doppler in the mail yesterday (8w5d). Of course I tried it out right away and after a few minutes I picked up that adorable familiar sound! Our baby’s heartbeat!!! Somewhere in the 160s. When DH came home I tried to find it for him. It took me 2 trys but I finally got it. Seeing the smile on his face every time he hears the baby is priceless. That is something I wasn’t sure I would ever get to see and, quite frankly, I couldn’t really imagine it actually happening. We have a long way to go still… a long, long way but I’m very thankful for every day closer we get.

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