Archives for posts with tag: mommy blogger

Oh my little Levi, how are you already 20 months old?! I mean, I know how it is scientifically possible that 20 months have passed since you were born, but you are almost 2 years old! Already! 

I always thought that Levi was going to be my mellow child who listened well and didn’t pop an attitude. Because I obviously didn’t know my child, at all! This boy is my kid who gives me the worst little pout face and refuses to be serious when I reprimand him. He goes from frowning at me to smiling while I am mid-scentence telling him no. I can’t keep a straight face when he does that! Ha Ha. πŸ˜‰ But all in all, he really does listen pretty well for a 1 and a half year old. 

And he is smart! So smart. A lot of stuff he knows because he follows Tru around all day and repeats everything he says and tries to do everything Tru can do. They are like peanut butter and jelly from the moment they wake up in the morning until they go to bed. Whichever one wakes up first, they are always running to the other’s bedroom looking for eachother. They do play pretty well but we have a fair amount of fighting over toys and just fighting in general. Levi’s retaliation right now is to bite Tru. Lots of times lately I hear Tru yelling “No bite, baby! No bite me!” and I run to grab Levi away. I’m not sure what to do to get him past this phase. I vaugly remember Tru doing some minor biting but I think it was a short time before he stopped. 

A few days ago we were getting ready to leave the house and I gave the boys their socks to put on. Now, Tru has been able to put on his own socks since before he was a year old. Levi? Not yet. But that’s because we never give him the opportunity to try! He’s not as set on being independent as Tru has always been so he doesn’t fight us helping him with things usually. So, he sat there struggling and Tru just couldn’t handle watching the painstaking process and he tried to help Levi. But Levi started yelling at him and running away with the socks to try again elsewhere. Tru started crying to me that he just wanted to help “baby” and I told him that Levi needed to try on his own. Tru said something like “He’s just a baby! He can’t do it. I can. I’m a big boy!” In that moment I saw the emotions I feel, coming from Tru. It’s hard watching your baby grow up. Sometimes there’s a bit of denial there. Sometimes I just want to freeze these years in time because they are already going so fast. But there is the whole other side where I am just wildly thrilled to watch them growing and learning how to do things on their own. But the most exciting part for me is watching their personalities develop….

And that is the biggest thing with Levi right now. He’s not acting like a baby much at all anymore. He’s becoming a “big boy” and it’s so fun to see! The one babyish habit that Levi hasn’t quite kicked yet is nursing. Lately he goes a day or two without and then decides he needs to check back in for a couple minutes. I can still express a bit of milk if I try. Interestingly, it looks like colostrum again. ?? I tell him no when he says “boob” a lot of the time but I really don’t care to nurse him if we are at home or if he gets hurt or is sad. 

As far as speech goes, Levi says everything he wants to say but usually just 1 or 2 words at a time. Which I guess is probably on track for his age. He gets his point across, that’s for sure! He definitely has a quiet, contemplative side but he also has a really loud voice and he’s not afraid to use it in case you didn’t hear him the first time. πŸ˜‰ 

I think he is starting to call himself by his name sometimes. Or rather Vevi, since that is what Tru calls him a lot. The other day my dad asked Tru “Who is that?” pointing to Levi and Tru said “That’s baby”. My dad said “I thought he had another name. Isn’t his name Vivi?” And Tru said very adamantly “No. His name is VEVI!” We also call him “nugget” quite a bit and I thought I heard Levi call himself nugget once. Poor kid probably doesn’t know his real name! I jest, I jest…. 
One of the most exciting developments recently is that Levi now says “wovou” (love you) and “wovou too”! I think he’s probably been saying it awhile but I didn’t realize that’s what he was trying to say until I told him “mommy loves you” while I had him on the changing table getting him ready for bed and he said “wovou too”. I seriously melted!! He also grabs my face and gives me kisses and hugs and is very loving with Tru also. They kiss each others boo boos and Tru will even cry more if Levi won’t kiss him better. πŸ™‚ 

Dear God, what a gift to be watching my Promised Gift learn and grow day by day. I’m so thankful for the joy of being his mother. I pray that You will protect him and watch over him. I pray that You will help us to raise him up to be loving and kind. Respectful and honest. In Jesus’ name, amen. 


This is a month late but I still wanted to post this up for memories.
Wednesday evening we set out to drive to our overnight stay at Niagara Falls. Our plan was that the boys would sleep on the way. And they did. But by the time we arrived many hours later at 3am, we were  exhausted. We slept in the next morning and when we got up, Tru and I enjoyed some coffee and then we all walked to the Falls. It was a bit chilly but still enjoyable.





After a couple hours of walking around, we continued our journey to my Aunt and Uncle’s house where we stayed. We made a pit stop at OG and got to their house around 8pm. Friday we set out driving around to take in the fall scenery. It did not disappoint! Gorgeous! 




Tru just had to see the “turny things” up close

Then we swung by my other Aunt and Uncle’s farm in time for calf feeding. A hugely anticipated event for Truett. And myself, I’ll admit. I love calves. πŸ™‚ 


And we picked some apples…

Clearly Levi enjoyed them!

Then we headed over to my grandma’s house for a delicious soup supper. We likely traumatized her cat with our presence but I’m told the cat got immense joy out of smelling the rug where our barn-smelling shoes sat. πŸ˜‰ Sadly, I dont have a picture to share of our visit there. 
I also saw my grandpa for a bit that evening and didn’t take my camera! 😦 I kind of failed at photographing our whole trip. 
On saturday my Aunt took us to a fall festival thing at a strip mall. Tru left his manners at home and Levi fell asleep but the boys both got little pumpkins to decorate and balloon animals. Tru even rode a hay ride with DH and my Aunt while I basked in the love that is this sleeping baby….


On sunday we played outside for awhile until it was time to go visit another Aunt, Uncle and cousin as well as see Grandma again. I don’t have any shareable pictures from that visit but suffice it to say there was goat walking, tree house exploring (not for me though- no heights!), side walk chalk, supper, cartoons and more.
 I also went to see my Grandpa again that night for awhile and he told me some amazing stories about his parents and family. 




We wore the kid out again playing outside.

Monday early am started the barfpacolypse for Truett so we stuck with our plan to leave Monday evening at 5pm. Thankfully our drive home was uneventful. I was determined we would stay overnight at a hotel halfway through. DH was determined we would drive straight through. We drove. It was soul crushing exhausing but we made it safe and sound by the next morning, praise God! I’m so thankful for the fun we had and the memories made. πŸ™‚    


Since piggo ran away just hours after i bought him, I never had a chance to take a picture of him. My sister sent me this picture this morning when he left the corn field to pick through the food scrap pile. Look how happy he is out there! Almost seems a shame to continue (fruitlessly) trying to catch him. If I could just be sure he wouldn’t cause any trouble for mom and dad’s neighbors as he grows. Or run in front of a car on the road. He’s been out there for almost a month now on his own. Pretty remarkable for a piglet.   

The Refillable Glass

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Hopelessly Infertile and Surrounded by Fertiles

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A Continual Feast

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Heartening Forward

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Two Little Monkeys

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My Thoughts Exactly

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The Honest Mom

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Life. Love. Loss.

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Single Mom Daily

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The Chastened One

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My Quiet Place

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