Archives for posts with tag: winter blues

I have had it with the cold. The arctic blasts. The frigid temps. The static.

The frozen pipes…. I feel bad to complain because it could be worse. But seriously, this is pretty bad. This winter has been milder than last for the most part but I am still way beyond done.


We were gone for the better part of the afternoon and evening today. We came home to frozen pipes despite the heat tape being plugged in all day. The pilot light on the furnace blew out. The house was 54 degrees. My Lovenox has now been exposed for a rather long period of time to temps below what it is allowed to be stored at. I guess that means I need to call the pharmacy in the morning and tell them what happened and hope and pray they will give me a fresh batch of meds. I just picked this batch up 2 days ago….


This is the 3rd time the water has froze in the last couple of weeks. There’s nothing we can do to thaw it out  because it seems to be freezing outside the house like underground. The last time it froze was a couple days ago and it came back on after I spent over an hour washing dishes in water I warmed up on the stove. (Tragic, I know.) I’m just fed up with it all and I am done with the infernal cold and wind and Arctic Friggin’ Blasts. I was not made for the cold. If I ever go anywhere tropical…….



Oh, and here's our Valentine's Day. Afraid to kiss because we keep "shocking" each other with static electricity kisses.

Oh, and here’s our Valentine’s Day. Afraid to kiss because we keep “shocking” each other with static electricity kisses.

       The last few days have been interesting. Tru has been really fussy. At least fussy compared to his norm. He’s a great baby. He rarely cries and only if he needs something, but the last few days have had me at my wits end. I really can’t figure out what he wants. Booby doesn’t work. Swinging makes him mad. The toy mat which he usually spends quite a bit of time playing on just makes him more mad. He doesn’t want to be laid down but he doesn’t want to be held either. Are there even any other options? Sad to say, in order to eat, pee or brush my hair, I’ve had to just let him cry. It breaks. my. heart. But what else can I do? If it weren’t for this stupid weather, my mom or sisters could run over for a bit so I could at least get a shower without having to let him scream. But he won’t even nap if I lay him down much. He’s just not himself. I’m wondering if he could be starting to teeth? He’s drooling everywhere and chewing on his hands around the clock. He always has soggy sleeves and a soggy shirt. I’m wondering….
      Twice now he has screamed in pain, pulling his little legs up and holding his arms close to his body for around a half hour each time. He screamed and cried, thrashing his head from side to side, a look of terror in his eyes and there was nothing I could do to help. The first time, I told DH to get us to the ER. On the way, I prayed and tried to comfort him and he finally stopped crying, calmed down and by the time we were almost there, he was cooing and smiling. He farted and was happy. I guess its his tummy. The second time, I was home alone with him. I was crying along with him and I called my mom. Same thing happened. He did a big fart/poop and was cured. But it seems like that is pretty intense pain to go through for a little gas. I may ask the pediatrician at his appointment because surely he shouldn’t be have that intense pain when nothing has changed. No constipation or anything.
       Well this post is all roses and butterflies… I’m done with this crap weather. I’m sick of polar votexing, arctic blasting poop nuggets. I’m getting really depressed being stuck home and in the living room because once again, the rest of the house is shut off. I spend all night flushing toilets, doing laundry, and dripping pipes so they won’t freeze. I’m stuck home with a beautiful baby and all I want to do is take him for walks, go visit friends, show him off…. I don’t know if I have cabin fever, baby blues or just anxiety for no stinkin reason, but ever since the new year (and this poop weather) I haven’t felt like me. This seems to be a very resounding theme among the majority of my blogging friends so I’m thinking its got something to do with the season. I feel bad to complain when I’m here with so much cuteness, but there’s only so much living room entrapment I can take!
       I have lots of blog posts rolling around in my mind that I want to work on, but I don’t want them to all turn out like this.
     Dear God, please help me to be in a good state of mind so I can enjoy this time with Tru. Help me to do a good job taking care of him and I pray that You will heal him of whatever is bothering him so much lately. Please protect and bless him. In Jesus’ name, amen.

I guess I will share a few cute photos.




The Refillable Glass

Remember the glass is neither half empty nor half full. It is refillable.

Hopelessly Infertile and Surrounded by Fertiles

Just me against the world (not the people in the world. Just the world.)

A Continual Feast

"...for the happy heart, life is a continual feast." -Proverbs 15:15

Heartening Forward

Handcrafted Cards

The Stephens Life

"The best kind of parent you can be is one who leads by example" - Drew Barrymore

What's for Dinner Moms?

Creativity for my life.

My PhD Life

My experience and events throughout my PhD

Two Little Monkeys

Fostering, adopting and life with 2 toddlers!

My Thoughts Exactly

Sunshine is so Gangster!

The Honest Mom

It's Not a Regular Mom Blog, It's a Honest Mom Blog

Kaden, My Superhero

Our complicated journey in and out of the NICU

Life. Love. Loss.

Writing and remembering


Experiencing Motherhood

Life Without Limitations

Life with a Special Care Baby


Just The Chronicles of a Thirtysomething

The Journey from Victim to Survivor

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Messy Stressy Mama

Learning As I Go

Ashlie in the Air

30-something frequent flyer thinking her thoughts out loud

Single Mom Daily

Dealing with heartbreak and morning sickness


The begining , the middle , birth and beyond 🌱

The Chastened One

Finding God's promises in every season of life


Literally a first time mom, sharing all that happens during my pregnancy. My posts are real and true examples of a mom on her first journey with her first baby!

My PCOS Journey

PCOS, you're not alone, neither am I.


My Unexpected Experience with Pregnancy

Wrinkle Wrinkle Little Star

Growing old gratefully as an older mother


My Quiet Place

Our Simple Family Living

Faith. Family. Simple.

About Alistair

My journey through motherhood and beyond


everybody needs a little tuff love


New mama to be and updates on my life and adventures.

Thoughtful Momma

Take a peek into the mind of a mom of many.

Dreaming Of Diapers

A Tell All Infertility Blog 2024 & IVF Blog 2024

Still No Baby

A brief insight into the lows of trying to conceive after a long time

Healthy & Brown

Where strength and healing meet

Downtown Abi

food + cats + art + life

Little Wolf Tribe

"A moment in my tummy; a lifetime in my heart."

mama etcetera

adulting adventures of a mama of 2

The adventures of being a mummy to two incredible girls.

Lydia in Lyon

Life in France, bilingual parenting, clubfoot, Gospel thoughts, and everything in between

The Not So Fertile Goddess

and here we go again...


The road to becoming a family!

Girl Friday Makes Good

Working for The Best