Still having plenty of bladder pain, but I do have an appointment scheduled for Oct 2nd to see the Urologist who did my Cystoscopy in 2012. When I made the appointment, I figured it would be at least a few weeks before he could see me and I was right. It was kind of funny though because I asked the receptionist if they had a cancelation list that they could add me to in case something came up sooner and she said they have no such list but “it’s only about 2 weeks away”. I wanted to say “Yeah, obviously you’ve never had any bladder pain” but I held my tongue because I knew she wasn’t trying to be uncaring and there really isn’t anything she can do about it anyway. If he’s booked, he’s booked. I just have to be patient. Not even sure he can do anything for me since the anti-spasmodic I was on after the surgery isn’t safe for pregnancy.

Anyways, I missed my Unisom 2 nights and both days I felt sicker than I feel on it. I actually took it during the day one of those days. But I really feel so much better. I am eating pretty much everything again and yes, I did finally get to satisfy my deep fried pickle craving. 🙂

How far along? 13w4d

How big is the baby? Every thing I read says 3 inches plus legs. 

Total weight gain/loss? -/+ 0 I am finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight exactly. Which is still 13 (!!!) pounds more than pre-pregnancy with Truett. I started at 117 with him and got up to the upper 150’s (gained about 38-39 pounds) and started at 130 with this baby. 

Maternity clothes? I can still fit my size 8 jeans but they are getting uncomfortable. I’m definitely ready to move to solely maternity bottoms. And my underwear are too tight. 😉 But I can still get away with a lot of my baggy regular t-shirts which is pretty much what I always wear anyways. 

Sleep? I could definitely sleep more. I could also nap most days but if I do, I wake up feeling weird and groggy and I hate that feeling. 

Best moment this week? Feeling flutters. 🙂

Symptoms? Round ligament pain, cramps, tender abdomen, slight nausea, back ache…

Food cravings? At the moment, nothing. But vegi subs are sounding extra good and pizza. 

Food aversions? Mac and cheese. 

Gender? EVERYBODY says it’s a girl. I think people just assume that because I have a boy already, I MUST be having a girl. That logic is really illogical. IIII super do not care what it is. I love it either way. I have a hard time understanding gender preferences. Not that I am saying it’s wrong to have a preference. I just feel like that’s kind of an extremely big expectation to put on your kid. I don’t know… I read someone’s blog who stated that they don’t believe people having their second child who say they have no preference. Well they should meet me. I seriously do NOT. I have no idea why I just ranted about that. I guess people are getting on my nerves saying “I bet you’re hoping for a girl this time aren’t you?!” I bet you’re hoping for me to smack your face! THEY can have a preference if THEY want to but I don’t and they shouldn’t assume that I do!!! Better go add mood swings to the symptoms list now… 

Belly button in or out? Errr, the top is mostly out. It hasn’t wanted to stay tucked in there all the way ever since my Laparoscopy. I guess the scar makes it weird? 

What I’m looking forward to? Flutters turning to kicks!!

Milestones? Feeling a few flutters. I was almost asleep yesterday when I felt somebody move in my belly who was not me!!! My eyes flew open. That wasn’t the first flutters I had felt but it was definitely unmistakable. It was very light though and I don’t expect to feel it every day for a bit longer. 

Bump? I’ve made everyone wait long enough. I guess at first I was a little embarrassed about how big I was so early. I mean, undeniably pregnant right away really. But I’m not embarrassed anymore. I’m thankful for this pregnancy and I love my belly. There’s a baby in there. It’s going to be stretchier the second time around! There’s no shame in that. 🙂 

13 weeks.

13 weeks.

Dear God, I know that You are the giver of life and that You have blessed me with the privilege of carrying this baby. I thank You for this gift. Thank You that I am finally not feeling morning sickness so much so that I can get things done that I need to do and take care of Truett. In Jesus’ name, amen.