We have just had a quiet and relaxing day so far. It’s actually been pretty fun! 🙂 We are still sick so we stayed home from church today. The kids and I have coughs/ congestion and it’s crazy cold out. DH and I opted not to brave the crowded restaurants this weekend and wait until next weekend to go out for Valentine’s Day. Then this afternoon it started DUMPING snow and it hasn’t stopped so there would be no sense in risking our lives to go eat right now anyway. For you Northerners reading this, we are having a SNOWPOCALYPSE, ok? Like we are probably going to have some odd 8 inches when this is over. BIG SNOW!!


One of our snow covered yard lights

Enough about the weather! We spent the morning just hanging out and eating breakfast, taking care of the kids, etc. I dyed my hair brown to cover up a botched dye attempt that left my hair orange. Like… anyway….Then DH went to work on some projects while I made Valentine’s cards with Tru. 6 of them!!! He was having so much fun so we just kept coloring, gluing and cutting out hearts. 🙂 He loves putting wobbly eyes on everything!




Can I just say how impressed I am with the hair and faces he drew entirely on his own!! I didn't even tell him what to draw, he just knew. This card is for Dada.


Levi eating everything in sight! So happy.


The brown hair. You can't see my nose right now... red!!

When we got tired of that craft, we had a snack and decided to use one of the Easter egg coloring kits that I bought YEARS ago, before we even had kids. It was so fun to finally use one of the kits with my own little guy. Levi watched all this from his high chair while he ate and ate and ate which I was so thrilled about because neither of the boys have ate much at all while they’ve been sick and it’s been concerning me.


Using the egg stickers on cardstock for a poster.


Don't worry, I was right there while we worked on the eggs.



THEN, Tru pooped on the potty chair which I was super excited about because even though this is day 7 of being diaper free except naps and nighttime, Tru still has been afraid to poop on the potty chair. This has resulted in him having at least one poo accident a day. Generally he has had only 2 pee accidents and usually it’s just a bit and then he catches himself. I am SOOOO happy that he finally had a success!! He thought it was gross and I think he thought it was a bad thing at first that he had went on the toilet but I made a HUGE deal out of it calling Grandmom and letting him watch cartoons and eat popcorn. Which is pretty much his favorite thing ever and I’ve been telling him all week that he can watch TV and eat popcorn when he goes poo on the potty chair. 🙂

That was probably wayyyy more information than anyone wanted to know but I am just so super happy about it. 🙂 Hoping we continue with the success! Tru is in the habit of putting on undies every morning now and seems really adjusted to it already. We actually braved the grocery store for a couple hours the other day and took him to the toilet twice there. 🙂

We just finished out the day with a nice warm bath for the boys and they are ready for bed after a snack. 🙂 I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day.
