Tru is growing like crazy the last several weeks. He is now pulling to a stand, has said Dada a few times, crawls like he was born doing it and is just turning into a little man! It’s crazy how much developement he is showing now. He is getting really tall and I estimate that he is close to 20 pounds and around 29 inches tall. This kid is not petite but he is very slim now. It’s so weird to have my baby go from “The Chubster” as my Dad affectionately calls him to this little beanpole in a matter of a couple of months. Especially because he eats soo much!

I am making most of his baby food homemade now. It’s a simple matter of peeling, slicing, steaming or lightly boiling and pureeing. It’s a lot cheaper and fairly easy. I have to thaw several days worth of cubes at a time to make sure we have enough ready at hand because when this kid wants to eat, he wants to eat NOW!!!!

I am surprised that sleep hasn’t been affected by this growth spurt. I am cautious to write on such a jinxable subject, but he has been sleeping so much better since a few days after moving him out of his co-sleeper. (thank you Aunt Crystal – it does make a difference!) He gets up to nurse once at night…. I suspect it may be twice tonight because he nursed so little today. I put him to bed anywhere from 9pm to whenever (I am awful at sticking to schedules but he has an exhausted meltdown after 9:30pm) after we do his bedtime routine which is rice cereal with either water or breast milk mixed in, bedtime diaper change, bedtime jammies, bedtime booby and bedtime bedtime. Yeah. That’s what we do. When I lay him down (or when Dada does) I tell him all his “loves”. I say “Mommy and Daddy loves you. Grandpas and Grandmas loves you. Aunts and Uncles and cousins loves you and God loves you!” When I say all that, he knows it’s time for sleep. He usually goes right to sleep lately because he is so tired from all his playing. I give him a nap around 11am, 3pm and pm. Roughly. He is an entirely happier baby than before I started giving him those 3 naps a day. If we are out and about, he usually refuses naps and that is ok. It’s not a hard and fast schedule. I simply cannot do schedules. They break my brain. Sorry scheduled people. 

As far as breastfeeding goes, we are down to 3 times a day and he hates every session. It makes me sad. I don’t know why he has never been a happy nurser. He really has never liked the boob. He likes the milk but he hates laying in one spot to get it and he doesn’t like the work. He has seriously never nursed for comfort. He just nurses to survive and he gets it done as fast as possible. It’s always been that way. 5 minutes or less. He gets to the let-down, gulps it as fast as he can and gets off that thing. And when the let-down takes more than 10 seconds – no exaggeration – he pulls off and looks at me with a frown and yells about it. It’s funny but strange. I’ve never seen a baby hate breastfeeding so much. But Tru just has no desire to sit still and go to all that work. 

I took Truett to his eye appointment today for his blocked tear duct. His eye infections have been much less during this last month. It was getting out of hand where his eye (only ever his right eye) would get so bad and nothing would help it much. Not even the eyrithramycin ointment. So anyways, the Dr said that we can give it until Tru is 10-11 months for it to open on its own and stay open and if it doesn’t, he will need it be opened with a probe. Unfortunately, at Tru’s age they no longer put them in a straightjacket swaddle them. By his age, the Dr we went to today does the procedure under anesthesia. That makes this Mommy nervous. So I really hope that his tear duct will open and stay open and he won’t have to go through all that. The main concern with not getting it fixed is that the eye infections would possibly persist and get worse. 

So, that’s about the jist folks. I just love this little guy and being a mommy is all and more than I hoped it would be. He’s the best baby I could ever ask for. So well-behaved (for a baby, ya know) and so adorable. I just thank God for him. 🙂

Dear God, Thank You for Truett’s good appointment today and I pray that You will help his tear duct to open on its own soon and to stay open so he doesn’t have to get surgery for it. I thank You for Truett and for all the love and joy that being his mother brings. I pray that You will guard and protect him all the days of his life. I pray that he will continue to grow strong and healthy and that we will be good parents for him. I pray that we will raise him the way that You want us to so that he will grow up to love and serve You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Fishing at my cousin's grad party.

Fishing at my cousin’s grad party.


So tired after attending 2 parties and hanging out at Grandma's house.

So tired after attending 2 parties and hanging out at Grandma’s house.

I love watching Tru pull the toys out of his toy basket. Now to teach him how to put them back! ;)

I love watching Tru pull the toys out of his toy basket. Now to teach him how to put them back! 😉

Playing with Great-Grandma and her standard poodle.

Playing with Great-Grandma and her standard poodle.

I don't usually let mommy snuggle me while I sleep....

I don’t usually let mommy snuggle me while I sleep….

*This post was supposed to be published on Friday but I failed to do so….