I got bored of my frumpy style. I really just felt so frumpy and like I needed a positive change. So, whether it was a good move or not, I dyed my hair Dark Auburn. It came out Cherry Red which was fun and I LOVED it. But since I used a wash-out dye, it has lightened considerably and I don’t like it as well now. Since I know that I liked the color it was at first, I can always just dye it that color permanently. I felt fresh and lively. It was a good change. I also whitened my teeth which needed done and made me a little more happy with my ridiculously huge smile. 🙂


I don't like taking selfies

I don’t really fit and/or have many winter outfits so I really want to go shopping for a few winter tops and maybe some jeans that don’t look stupid when I sit down. I am tall and when I sit, my jeans pull up showing my socks. Drives me crazy! I need to shop for some longs. I wear skirts a lot in the summer and I could in the winter too but I want leggings and some better skirts. In short, I want to look like an adult, not someone who has no clue how to adult.

I am in the 2ww right now. Crazy, right?! I hadn’t had a cycle postpartum yet which I was LOVING! Then last week I started getting that familiar stabbing in my ovaries and I was pretty sure it was ovulation. Took a CBD ovulation test and sure enough, smiley face! I waited a bit and tried again just to be sure and same thing. I showed DH when he got home. I figured he had a right to know where things were at. He smiled and was acting so happy/scared and I finally realized, he thought it was a pregnancy test. How he doesn’t know the difference is beyond me! Anyway, I cleared that up with him. I don’t know if I ovulated that day or the next but we gave it a whirl *wink* so technically I am in the 2ww. It’s up to God what happens now. I have not forgotten our statistical less than 1% chance. I also have a beautiful little “naturally conceived”  boy who proves that God is bigger than the odds and statistics so… We shall see what we shall see. I am perfectly fine with another baby now and I think having them close is actually what works well for our family. But again, it’s up to God. I am leaving it in His hands.


That’s pretty much it for me right now. This whole being a mom thing is crazy… crazy wonderful!!!! I was sitting in the living room the other night after everyone went to bed and I was just thinking:

• This place is a disaster. There was hardly a place to step foot between clothes that I was sorting for the boys to grow into, dirty laundry, toys, and who knows what was hidden under all that.
• But I love it that the place was a mess! I thank God that I have little people who run/roll around and make messes and have fun all day.
• I feel like I don’t get to spend enough time just enjoying them. I need to make a better point of setting aside distraction free time where I just focus on them.   While they are happy.
• Tru is 2 and it is clear to me that this whole thing about time flying is not just some silly cliche. It is true!! Time seriously is going way too fast and all I know to do is to focus on living in the moment….
• And take lots of pictures/videos!!