I had my 36 week growth ultrasound today and it mostly went really well. The tech really took her time going over everything, measuring everything twice on the head, belly, etc. We also got some great views of the face and saw him playing with his feet with his hand. I also saw him wiggle his toe and it was SO cute. He weighs an estimated 6lbs 8oz in the 52nd percentile overall. His fluid was 16.2 and his placenta looks good. (This tech thought it looked better than the grade 2 the tech gave it last week. Opinions differ but compared to how Truett’s looked at this stage, even to my untrained eye, I would have to say that it really does look good still.)


BUT, this is the part that makes me feel a bit concerned… His head is measuring in the 7th percentile. His belly was in the 76th percentile. His femur measured somewhere between I think in the 30’s. I was pretty shocked that his head is measuring so small considering that Tru’s head always measured big (and still measures in the 90’s) and neither I nor DH come from families with small noggins. When I asked the tech about it, she said that some families just have small heads and that’s fine. But that’s not the case for our families. I just feel really uneasy about there being a nearly 70% difference between his head size and belly size. If it was just 20-30%, I wouldn’t have thought a thing. But his head is seriously measuring 33+ weeks. Especially because we could see cord up around his neck area…. I just don’t know if I should worry or not. I called the nurse to ask her and she said the Dr would have come in the room to talk to me if she was concerned. So I guess I shouldn’t worry but still… I am his mommy. Plus, his NST didn’t go so well and the nurse asked the Dr if it was ok since he wasn’t having much acceleration. Of course, they said it was fine, but still I worry.