

  • Why he does a happy dance every time I put socks on.
  • Why he still goes in the kitchen every single day even though he is not allowed in there and always gets in trouble.
  • Why he loves all kids except for Tru. I know he’s jealous of him but this dog seriously LOVES kids. And Tru loves him. So why won’t he give up on the indifferent attitude and play with him?
  • Why he hates me – literally hates me – when I’m pregnant. He wants nothing to do with me and gives me angry looks all day, every day.
  • Why the only thing in life that matters to him anymore (aside from DH. He still likes DH) is eating. It is seriously all he thinks about from dawn to dusk. He sits in the kitchen entryway and stares at the floor at LEAST a hundred times a day. I’m not exaggerating. He seems to think food will magically fall off the counters and he will get to clean it up. If we didn’t limit his food intake, he would eat himself to death.
  • Why he totally doesn’t see the point to playing with dog toys but he is happy to steal Tru’s toys to play with them.
  • I will definitely never understand how he got a tick in NOVEMBER! That’s just crazy. But I’m blaming the tick for that one.
  • Why he runs into our room and gets in his bed every time I go in there and then doesn’t come out when I leave the room until after I shut the door. Then he sits there and cries.
  • Why he gets excited whenever gold cars or grey vans drive by. My mom has a grey van and DH drove a gold car until recently. But they say dogs can’t see colors?! I’m starting to think just maybe he can.