I am in a complete state of shock right now. I don’t even know where to begin. I don’t even know how to announce this. I know that there is no easy way for me to break this news to those who are suffering from IF right now. I know how it feels. But I also know that there is a certain amount of hope that comes from reading these kinds of stories. So I will dive right in and tell you that I am pregnant. Infertile me. Wife of infertile DH. Pregnant. Naturally. Us who have less than 1% chance of conceiving naturally based on DH’s sperm count alone. Add my problems in there and…. you get the point. We were not trying. I wasn’t sure we had even BD on ovulation because we weren’t trying to hit that day. I guess we did!! 


Total shock. This morning I woke up feeling crampy like AF was coming any minute, or already here. The way I have felt for days now. I looked at my calendar and was actually able to remember when my last AF was. June 18. That makes today CD 34. I think I have been ovulating late, maybe around CD 18. Which makes me almost 5 weeks. Anyways, I remembered some OPKs I had bought last week that were still out in the truck. I got out of bed and went to get them. I had read that sometimes OPKs could be used at HPTs if the hCG was high enough. I was praying that if God wanted me to be pregnant, then good and if not then I would just go about my day waiting for AF. 


Top OPK with FMU. Middle OPK a few hours later. HPT from Dollar Store.

Top OPK with FMU. Middle OPK a few hours later. HPT from Dollar Store.

Positive! 3 hours after obsessively googling (yes, 3 hours), and reading that OPKs are possibly more likely to be positive if you are pregnant using FMU than later in the day, I took another. Fainter but still there for sure. I finally got off my butt and went to the dollar store to get a $1 HPT. Brought it home and positive! I immediately called my RE, MFM and regular GYNO trying to get ahold of someone who could order me a beta. 


Dollar store test. Same brand as I took with Truett.

Dollar store test. Same brand as I took with Truett.

I drove to town and waited in the hospital parking lot. Almost an hour (!!!!) after calling, they all called me back at almost the same time. I almost hung up on the nurse at the GYNO because my REs office was calling in. I got my beta, progesterone and estrogen drawn almost an hour (!!!!!) after I talked to them. My MFM wouldn’t order the beta for me so I am glad that the RE’s office did. The nurse at my MFM’s office said that with 3 positive tests, I didn’t need any blood work and she had me schedule a U/S, intake and first appointment. 


Since the RE’s office wasn’t supposed to get my beta results until tomorrow (it was almost 4pm when I got it drawn), I stopped by Walgreen’s and dropped $20 (more than I have ever paid for a HPT) on a Clearblue Weeks Indicator. 


The expensive but WAYYYYYYY cheaper than IVF test.

The expensive but WAYYYYYYY cheaper than IVF test.

Positive 2-3 weeks. I then got a call from the RE while DH was driving me to pick up the Lovenox  that my MFM ordered. (Took my first shot today.) Beta 176! A little low for 17dpo but I WILL TAKE IT!!! God brought us this far. He can take us all the way if it is His will. 


Daddy's surprise. ;)

Daddy’s surprise. 😉


I told DH by giving him a baby shower gift bag with pink, blue and yellow tissue paper with 2 tests. Utter shock!!! He kept saying “Are you serious?” He is beside himself with happiness. He immediately called his mom and we showed the test to my parents and siblings and 1 cousin. He also called his sister. We are pretty trigger happy. But we want to rejoice while we have the opportunity and be happy in the moment. I don’t want to waste a moment of this pregnancy being pessimistic, even though that is my usual tendency. I know that our first reaction is to guard our emotions, but that doesn’t change the outcome. 


To those IRL, sorry I didn’t have the time or energy to call you individually. I know that your pants are shocked off either way! Love you guys. Pray for us please. 🙂 


It is still so crazy early. 4 weeks 5 days. Please pray for us that the beta will double appropriately and that God will continue to watch over this precious little surprise. I am just praying that God will sustain the life of this little one according to His will. Please God! In Jesus’ name, amen.