At the risk of sounding like I’m a complete postpartum wreck, can I just say that this degree of hairloss has caught me completely by suprise?! Here is a gross picture of how much hair I lost a few days ago in the shower.


No, I wasn’t trying to write numbers with my hair.
I have to literally pick all the hair off of my body that has rinsed off of my head during the shower before I can get out. Its all wrapping around everywhere. It feels so gross! Is this an abnormal amount? I get at least this much every day in the shower for a month now (Started at 4 months postpartum) and my hairbrush is full every time I brush. I have this trail of loose hair falling out behind me everywhere I go.
      I remember a few years ago reading about this lady who lost all or most of her hair after having her baby and I thought “Its worth it though for her cute baby.” And it totally is. Even if I go bald. I actually have 2 almost bare spots now around my temples. 


Exibit A
That being said…. I told someone about this yesterday and they felt the need to remind me that all kinds of infertile women would love to have my problems if they could just have a baby. Excuse me? Hold it right there! I’m the last person that you need to go preaching to about how infertile people feel about my problems. Just because my infertile self and all the other infertile couples would love to be going bald and having anxiety attacks if they could just have a baby, does not mean that I’m not going to freak out a tiny bit when I am unraveling my fallen hairs from my baby’s pacifier. Ok? Thank you. I would definitely take having Truett over having hair but do I really need to choose?
      Sorry about that little rabbit trail. Anyway. What is your experience with postpartum alopecia? How long does it last? How bald will I get? Thanks for reading .