I typed up a lovely update for you all days ago, but my darling new phone simply would have none of that and promptly discarded it for me. That phone is being sent back. A new phone has been ordered. Case closed. And it only took me an hour and some odd minutes on the phone with the provider to pull that off.
      At my weekly fluid check, the tech told me my fluid was 8.2 and their cutoff is 7.something. (I find this seems to vary from practice to practice.) She said we aren’t going to make it much longer and that my placenta is calcifying. She said 37 weeks is full term and we are only a week and half away from that and anything past that would be icing on the cake. I haven’t gotten to talk to my dr about this yet to hear their opinion but the general consensus I’ve read is usually that the drs induce if the AFI falls below 5. I’m guessing it probably will soon because its dropped from 11.4 to 8.2 in 2 weeks. There was no measurable fluid in one quadrant by his head. And this is with me drinking like a whale.
    The good (and cute) news is that our baby boy was practice breathing away on the ultrasound. His little chest was going up and down and I thought it was adorable that he doesn’t know any better than to breath in water. Its good to know his lungs are preparing for the big day! So needless to say, we are getting excited with the big day being very soon. Just how soon, only God knows.
      Lastnight we bought a small bookshelf for baby’s room to store his books and toys and some decorative items people have bought him. Our 2nd baby shower last weekend was awesome. We got so many diapers and wipes and other great items for him. Everyone was so generous. I wish I had taken a picture of all the gifts. I’ll just say that it filled the trunk and the back seat of DH’s car! There was very little I needed to return. That was mostly items I had recieved multiples of or wasn’t able to use with the seasons. But truly, it was so sweet and overwhelming to see how much our friends and family love our baby already. Most people know now that he is an IVF miracle and they just think its amazing. My MIL did an amazing job on the decorations and food. Hopefully I can put pictures on here soon. I don’t have them yet.
      It is almost impossible to sleep now. I’m in pain in my hips and back and I’m having trouble breathing. This is worsened by the cold I’ve had for the last week but honestly I’ve had trouble getting enough air for awhile now. I have trouble carrying on a conversation if I’m standing or walking. Its interesting that this happens even though I dont feel that my belly is really putting that much pressure on my lungs.
     So instead of the “what I miss now that I’m pregnant” list (nothing, btw), I thought I’d do a “what I’m going to miss when I’m not pregnant anymore” list.
1) My adorable belly – folks, its really cute. I like my pregnant body pretty well actually. Aside from the big nose and double chin, I think I’m pretty cute. Yeah, I just bragged on myself!
2) Baby kicks – I can’t explain how much I love to feel my little guy moving and growing in there. I think its one of my favorite parts of pregnancy.
3) Maternity clothes – they are so comfortable in general. Also they are nicer than my usual clothes because I haven’t had a chance to wear the life out of them yet. Also I have more maternity outfits than non. Weird, I know.
4) People talking about how cute my belly is – I like it. End of story.
5) The way DH smiles at me and looks at my belly saying “I can’t believe there’s really a baby in there!”
There’s plenty more I will miss. I will never forget how wonderful this time has been and how infinitely grateful I am to have had this experience of being pregnant.
        All that being said, I’m still very excited to meet Truett face to face instead of just foot to belly. I’ve had a lot of very uncomfortable contractions the last 4 days. Some of which have woken me up in the night and caused me to really take notice. I’m having alot of sharp pains in my cervix too. I actually feel a lot like right before AF comes every month. Cramping and low back ache but not to the point where I feel like labor is imminent… I think I could probably still experience this for a few more weeks if we are able to go that far. But then again, I really don’t know. I suppose something could be starting. I do feel like things are changing and with the sharp cervical pain I’m thinking I may have started to dilate. Hard to say! But because of the low fluid I’m supposed to be resting a lot anyways. I haven’t been as good at that as I should be, not because I don’t want to, I’ve just not had a whole day where I was able to take it super easy. I do try though.
       I guess I will leave you with some tomato humor/art…. if you can call it that.


“Hey, don’t be looking at my butt!”


“We are proud to announce the birth of baby Tom. Weighing 4oz, 3″ long, born at 4pm 9/21/13.”


“Here’s a picture of the proud father.”

And some bump pictures.



35 weeks 4 days.

Dear God, thank You for this week of pregnancy to experience. I ask that You will continue to keep this precious baby safe and healthy and I ask that his fluid levels will not become dangerous to him. Please bring him safely to his birth. In Jesus name, amen