
    Well here we are 5 days past transfer already. Our doctor felt that a 2 day transfer would be better for our embabies since we only have 3. This is their first picture and Lord willing there will be many more to come. I’m in love with them already. I so hope that they will live and implant. They are all grade2,  4cell. But to me they’re absolutely perfect! So far I’ve been very sleepy and very hungry. That’s the same symptoms I had with my last IVF for the first week. After that I started having anxiety attacks. 😦 I sincerly hope that doesn’t happen this time. I like being tired and napping all day, and being hungry and nibbling all evening… it passes the time! Yesterday I started having some cramping and that has carried over into today as well. Please God let this be implantation!!
      I’ve been soaking my feet in warm water everyday for just a few minutes. I read somewhere, sometime that it helps to keep circulation going to the uterus. Who knows! But I thought it was worth a try. I’ve also been eating a piece of pineapple core everyday. That alone should prove how bad I want this to work. I hate pineapple! It almost makes me gag but I’ve been putting it in a smoothie. I just hold my nose and chug it down.
      My lovenox injections have my tummy pretty badly bruised now. I don’t like those shots because they burn so much, but what’s my moto?? Anything for my baby(s)!
      When DH gave my PIO shot the other night, I got the giggles for some reason. I never find the PIO shot itself to be painful in the least. In fact, it’s really not any worse than a Lupron injection with an insulin needle. I know that must sound ridiculous considering that my DH shoves nearly a whole inch and a half of huge needle into my behind. I must be going numb back there now or something. Anyways, I get more of a tickling sensation when the needle is in… So my DH says to me, as I’m laughing my head off, “blood is spewing out”!! He was starting to genuinely freak which was just making me laugh harder and harder because that’s the nice kind of person that I am. He finally pulled out the needle and showed me how it was covered in blood. I started laughing even harder. I don’t know what possessed me but I guess the idea of laying there with my naked butt up in the air “spewing” blood was just too much for my hormone addled brain. I finally got up the nerve to look back and found a small pen head amount of blood. So, I guess DH is just queasy. It’s a good thing he doesn’t have AF!!! He’s such a trooper. I couldn’t do this without him. For more reasons than just the obvious!
      If only there was some way to make time pass until beta day. The whole process of IVF is a mere walk in the park compared to the 2 week wait. It might as well be 2 years, or 2 decades, or 2 lifetimes. Once it’s over it seems like it went pretty fast but at the time, it just drags by. I guess in a way, if it’s bad news I never want to find out. But if it’s good news I just can’t wait! Heck, I’ve already waited 4 and a half years. I think that they ought to just knock me unconscious until beta day. After all, they tell me to relax! And that is basically impossible when I’m worried about little embabies. Oh well. It’s not like I’m the only one who’s ever had to wait… I guess.
      Another thing I hate is that
stupid term PUPO, a.k.a. “pregnant until proven otherwise”.  I hate it because it says pregnant UNTIL proven OTHERWISE, like there’s no possitive alternative! It sounds so gloom and doom. Perhaps if it said pregnant UNLESS proven otherwise. I don’t know I just want to be pregnant and not proven anything but pregnant for a whole freakin 9 months. That would be an absolute dream come true. An answer to my dearest prayer. Oh God, please sustain the lives of these babies You have created, according to Your will. In Jesus name, amen.